Staff Spotlight: Lorie Ann Larson, Program Manager since July 2021

If you stop by the Commons these days you're bound to meet Lorie Ann Larson, our Program Manager since July 2021. Here's some of her reflections on being part of the community at the Commons:

Why did you want to join the Commons staff team?

Hmmm, that is a good question. I have worked for large nonprofits for more than 20 years and realized I wanted to work for a smaller nonprofit that truly focused on helping unhoused individuals and/or families. When I saw the job posting I was intrigued and when I went to the website I found myself shaking my head in agreement thinking “Yessss!”. As I delved more into the programming at the Commons I found myself feeling excited. Many of the services and programs are exactly what I had been trying to implement at other agencies in various ways.

When I interviewed in person I knew the Commons was where I wanted to be. It was a beautiful, safe and welcoming environment to all. Staff and neighbors were ‘friends’. There was laughter and genuine compassion, all while staff were providing services. And there was a medical clinic onsite!

What do you enjoy about working with our neighbors?

I love building friendships with our neighbors. I enjoy the uniqueness our neighbors bring to our community. They are all truly remarkable and special. Some are jokesters, poets, musicians, writers, and a few fashionistas. During the day we get to chat, learn from each other and celebrate the successes. Some days we are vulnerable with each other and on those days we share compassion for one another, encouragement and even a comforting hug. But I think my favorite thing about working with our neighbors is when we sing and dance to the music while just hanging out together.

Is there anything that these neighbors would want you to share with our community of supporters?

Each neighbor has a story of resilience and strength. Our unhoused neighbors are mothers, fathers and grandparents; they are sons, daughters and siblings. They are human beings who deserve compassion and reverence. Every day I have the opportunity to laugh, joke, love, and /or cry with a neighbor. Spend some time with them, get them a cup of coffee, share a funny story or just sit down with them, and maybe you too will see how remarkable and special they really are.

Would you share a story about a friendship you formed, or a meaningful interaction, with one of our neighbors at Aurora Commons?

Oh gosh, this is hard, there are so many. One interaction that stands out is about a female neighbor who visits us at least once a week. Every visit she will ask for hygiene supplies, clothing closet and sometimes to use the computers. Typically she is in a pleasant mood and smiling. Every once in a while I will see something from the clothing closet I know she will like and set it aside for her next visit. I really enjoy it when she visits and look forward to seeing her smile. One afternoon she came by at the very end of drop in services and was crying. I went to the door to see what was wrong. She could hardly get a word out but I could understand it had to do with her father. Something about not being able to get a hold of him by phone. I asked her if I could get her something to eat or drink. She shook her head yes, went out front and sat on the ground. We sat together for a minute before she gathered her things to leave. As she was leaving she stopped and hugged me. I told her we loved her, she smiled and said “I love you too.”